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Martial history Silat teacher Ustaz Hanafi Cekak (tight) delivery methods known by word of mouth from teachers. So that, will never be known who first invented this martial arts. Whether it was invented by a teacher or through collaboration among several teachers. Through the learning characteristics is believed that the martial arts in existence after the arrival of Islam and its creator is an expert in martial.
Modern martial arts are just beginning when the late Ustaz Hanafi Haji Ahmad, aspiring martial maintain this, after he was found the quality is so superior martial arts. He was not willing to martial dialam now extinct. Ustaz Hanafi received his martial arts from Yahya bin Said (Pak Yah) on December 28, 1965 equal to 5 Ramadan 1385. At that time, sir Well do not tell the real name of this martial arts, and martial arts equipment is moved under section Sari Budaya Seni Silat Association Seri Kedah (PSSBSK). Ustaz himself became chief  "seksi".
After finishing the classes run a bath, sir Well Ustaz Hanafi was asked whether the teacher is made up of descendants of Panglima Tok Rashid, because Tok Rashid when submitting this silat to Pak Well there said, "If there are children and grandchildren come and take me out of Kedah this silat , then give behind him. " Pak Yah himself said that this was the first time he endbathe  to his bathroom. At the same time the new Pak Yah stating the real name of this martial arts, Silat is Cekak (tight).
Pak Yah the universities have told history silat, the martial arts that he took it from the Chief of Tok Rashid, who was a commander of the Kedah state government has moved to Kerian, Taiping, Perak for Leaf River area of residence at the time was suffering from an outbreak of cholera. Well Pak Tok Rashid told that he was taking martial of Commander Ismail who became commander of the state of Kedah at the time of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin. Who is Commander Ismail took martial nor reported.
Upon completion of this study the martial arts, Ustaz Hanafi was qualification (diijazahkan) as a teacher, and given the mandate to develop the martial arts to the rest of the country. While Pak Yah to the Stone Avenue and no longer active in this to teach Silat. Silat Cekak has been further developed in the name of Silat Cekak atau Silat Kedah under Ustaz Hanafi PSSBSK and himself became its leader. Despite the obstacles and opposition he continued to develop this into Sg Silat. Farmers and Wellesley.
He later moved to Kuala Lumpur and Silat classes through the Association of Bawean Putra rude. In 1971, he was moving Silat Cekak through associations at the national level have recognized the name of the Association of Malaysian Silat Kedah rude. The name was later changed to Association Silat Association rude Malaysia (PSSCM). PSSCM is primarily Silat Cekak at that time. Besides, driven by a set of clubs and associations-centered higher education.
The main goal is to empower PSSCM Malay martial arts and fighting all the knowledge and superstitious beliefs in the Malay silat. Based on both these goals, Ustaz Hanafi Silat has developed this Silat Cekak. He has been studying in terms of educational methods and practices found in Silat Cekak so he really clean and pure in terms of two aspects. First, in terms of study methods, this is really martial Malay heritage and the movement is not harmful to the practitioners. Both in terms of philosophy and martial aspects of understanding, which is based on the spirit of unity. He has brought many reforms in this martial arts. For example, in terms of teaching approaches, image enhancement and management of martial arts that opened the modern martial arts. As a result, Silat Cekak to grow rapidly and get a great response from the student-centered higher education.
Indeed, filling in the Silat Cekak when he passed away August 13, 1986 is far different from that received from Mr Yah. All the divine knowledge he learned from other teachers who have successfully blended into the science of martial arts, taken from Mr Well for a private container to form an ideal destination for short Silat practitioners. During his last breath that he did not name anyone among the students of Silat Cekak as his successor. Proponents of martial arts have had to wait thirty days to nominate the main teachers Silat Cekak.
In a ceremony attended by supporters, including members of the Board of Education and Discipline (the highest governing body during the life of Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi) late widow and her children, has declared Mr. Ishak bin Hitam as primary teachers Silat Cekak at that time. Declaration of Mr. Ishak on that Ustaz Hanafi have to trust him to take a teaching mandate, while the children of full age and keep all the families of Ustaz Hanafi well. Mr. Ishak, a teacher of beginning from 1986 to 1993. In 1993 Mr. Ishak 19Mei handed the mandate to  Silat Cekak teacher Md Radzi Bin Haji Hanafi, the fourth son of the late Ustaz Hanafi. Submission of this mandate has been done in four eyes and supported by black and white documents signed willingly and in a state so by Mr. Isaac and Mr. Md Radzi.
Supporting the Council to declare Mr. Ishak became the main teacher in 1986 was convened on May 21, 1993 and delivered a mandate to consider the case brought by a teacher Ustaz Hanafi family members and found correct and properly made without the elements of coercion, and declared Md Radzi bin Haji Hanafi as a teacher of Silat Cekak. But soon a large number of administrators  Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia when it failed to carry out their responsibility to accept Mr. Md Radzi as a teacher of Silat Cekak. They had tried to prevent Mr Md Radzi from its function as a teacher of using their positions in society.
On August 5, 1994, Association of Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi Malaysia was formed. The Association has recognized Mr. Md Radzi bin Haji Hanafi became President and made the teachers association as the main engine of movement Silat Cekak. Since it was known as a short Silat Cekak is Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi. Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi is no money actually practiced by the late Ustaz Hanafi

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